All events with Veronika Klein
Past events
Update hospital law 1-2025 Medical and social law Labor law
Duty roster law and working time regulations 42nd Fall Seminar of the Medical Technical Academy Esslingen Labor law
32nd Reutlingen Labor Law Forum The use of ChatGPT in companies - legal challenges for employers, whistleblower protection law Labor law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce
31st Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Employer's right to information in accordance with Section 15 GDPR; treatment of travel times Labor law
Market trend towards larger units - growth through acquisitions Legal issues relating to the purchase and sale of outpatient care services and inpatient units Labor law Medical and social law Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law
30th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Current employer obligations: recording working hours, proof of essential contractual conditions, minimum wage and mini-jobs Labor law
29th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum The challenge of digitizing personnel files Labor law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce
28th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Labor law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce
27th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Corona special Labor law
26th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Part-time work, parental leave and working from home Labor law
25th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum The new Trade Secrets Protection Act - what employers now need to consider Labor law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce Industrial property rights Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law
The new Trade Secrets Protection Act What employers need to consider now Labor law Compliance Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law