All events with Kathrin Völker
Past events
28th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Labor law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce
Update hospital law 2022 VOELKER online seminar Banking law Medical and social law Labor law
Practical problems in medical care centers Designing a medical care center; VOELKER online seminar Medical and social law Labor law
27th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Corona special Labor law
26th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Part-time work, parental leave and working from home Labor law
25th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum The new Trade Secrets Protection Act - what employers now need to consider Labor law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce Industrial property rights Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law
The new Trade Secrets Protection Act What employers need to consider now Labor law Compliance Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law
Pitfalls and new legal requirements in the application and recruitment process Balingen Labor Law Forum Labor law
24th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Update: Vacation law for practitioners Labor law
Market development towards larger units - growth through acquisition of care services Supporting event: 3rd legal day for out-of-hospital intensive care Medical and social law Labor law
Cooperation in times of staff shortages - recognizing and limiting risks 3rd Legal Day for Outpatient Intensive Care Medical and social law Labor law
23rd Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Pitfalls and new legal requirements in the application and recruitment process Labor law