Practical problems in medical care centers Designing a medical care center; VOELKER online seminar

1. design of a medical care center
- MVZ - the leading form of care in the future?
- Legal framework conditions
- Founding requirements and founding process
- Various structuring options
and legal forms
- The pitfall of "straw man structures"
- Advantages and disadvantages in relation to other
forms of supply
Dr. Christina Schröter and Dr. Ulrike Brucklacher
2. liquidity planning in the MVZ
- A prerequisite for success
- When taking over contract doctor's practices:
- What is the transferable income?
- Inclusion of the financing structure
in liquidity planning
- Example planning
Erik Romanowski
3. labor law topics around the MVZ
- Employment in the hospital and in the MVZ
- Scope of the right of direction, in particular
with several locations
- Task and position of the medical director
- Authority to issue instructions
- Options for variable remuneration
- Termination rights
Kathrin Völker and Dr. Ulrike Brucklacher