Articles from Dr. Ulrike Brucklacher
Transitional care in hospital - The new § 39e SGB V - a regulation without content?
The new § 39e SGB V - a regulation without content?
Outlook for the future: Emergency representation law for spouses
Organizational requirements for successful radiation protection in hospitals, medical care centers and medical practices
Problems with adjusting salaries to the standard pay scale in outpatient intensive care
What should I bear in mind when negotiating remuneration?
Legal problems with platforms and portals in the medical and healthcare sector
Reimbursement of additional expenses and reduced income for outpatient intensive care services due to the COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act
1. do outpatient care services fall under outpatient care facilities?
Compensation payments for doctors in the corona crisis under the COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act and the protective shield of the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
I. COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act
Entry into force of the Medical Device Regulation postponed
Simplified procedure for Corona SARS-Cov-2 virus pandemic respiratory masks (CPA)
Help for hospitals through COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act?
Compensation payments to hospitals due to special burdens caused by COVID-19
Quality assurance agreements with distributors of medical devices
Quality assurance agreements between suppliers and manufacturers of medical devices