All events with Dr. Peter Krause
Past events
Care Strengthening Acts I, II, III Workshop at Caritas für Stuttgart e. V. NPOs, church and social institutions
Implementation of the BTHG - management requirements Evangelische Bank, Hamburg NPOs, church and social institutions
The Federal Participation Act in practical implementation by service providers I NGD Group; Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein NPOs, church and social institutions
The Federal Participation Act in practical implementation by service providers II NGD Group; Seegeberg, Schleswig-Holstein NPOs, church and social institutions
The Federal Participation Act in practical implementation by service providers III Landesverein für Innere Mission Schleswig-Holstein; Rickling, Schleswig-Holstein NPOs, church and social institutions
Effects of the BTHG on the tasks of professional caregivers Information event at the Rems-Murr caregiver get-together NPOs, church and social institutions
Participation counseling Supporting event: Workshop at Sozialwerk St. Georg NPOs, church and social institutions
Act on Supportive Housing, Participation and Care (WTPG) Management seminar at the Johannes-Diakonie Mosbach training academy NPOs, church and social institutions
Home law for inpatient facilities in Baden-Württemberg - basics and practice for managers Workshop for the Caritas Association Stuttgart; Stuttgart NPOs, church and social institutions
The new financing system in the housing sector under the BTHG - challenges in the system changeover Workshop for the Caritas Association Aachen NPOs, church and social institutions
BTHG workshop as part of the symposium of the Association of Curative Education Nurses NPOs, church and social institutions
Consequences of the separation of benefits to secure livelihoods and specialist services What other services will be available in the future? NPOs, church and social institutions