LG Frankfurt a. M.: Sofortüberweisung may not be the only means of payment

The consumer must be provided with a "common and reasonable free of charge" means of payment available in the online store. This is stipulated in the new Section 312a (4) BGB. According to the Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main, the payment method "instant bank transfer" does not meet these criteria as it is "unreasonable". The unreasonableness exists because the consumer must provide the operator of "Sofortüberweisung" with account data, account statement data and PIN/TAN data as well as consent to the retrieval of account data in order to pay. Sofortüberweisung is therefore not prohibited. However, at least one other means of payment must be offered that is common, reasonable and free of charge.
(Regional Court Frankfurt a. M., judgment of 24.06.2015, ref. 2-06 O 458/14)
[Update November 2016: Reversed in the appeal instance: OLG Frankfurt, Urt. v. 24.8.2016, 11 U 123/15]
Date: 5. Aug 2015