Digitization and law

In addition, even common technologies such as email are being called into question due to the changing legal landscape. In the age of the GDPR, for example, emails may no longer be sent unencrypted. Precautions must also be taken: An email inadvertently sent to the wrong addressee can trigger a reporting obligation to the data protection supervisory authority within 72 hours.
However, digitalization also means the increasing use of completely new technologies. This may mean that you have to develop your own technologies and design them to be legally compliant in order to avoid warranty claims due to a lack of legal conformity. However, the use of new technologies can also mean that you have to use third-party technologies in your company and ensure that the organizational framework conditions are in place for this.
We provide information on the constantly new issues in the field of digitalization as part of our "Digitalization Law and Industry 4.0 Forum". In previous forums, we have dealt with topics such as
Tuesday, the 04.07.2023: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) & Artificial Intelligence (AI) for SMEs
Tuesday, 22.03.2022: AI & GDPR: When is training data anonymous?
Thursday, 02.12.2021: New contract law 2022 and current legislative projects
Thursday, 18.02.2021: Designing digital platforms in compliance with the law
Thursday, 21.11.2019: Concluding confidentiality agreements correctly | Making sales GDPR-compliant
Emails in the age of the GDPR - legally compliant in the company
Market launch, distribution and protection of networked products
Event information: You are welcome to contact our secretariat (veranstaltungen@voelker-gruppe.com) if you would like to be invited to the upcoming forums.