Articles from Dr. Gerrit Hötzel
Ende der OS-Plattform der EU: Impressum und AGB anpassen
Data Act - Networked products must make product data accessible
Onlinezugangsgesetz (OZG) – Datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte
NIS-2 - Personal liability of the management for cyber security
Cyber Resilience Act
The end of carefree software development
EU Commission adequacy decision on the USA - transfer of personal data to many US companies finally possible again with legal certainty
The prompt engineer of an AI as the originator
European Health Data Space (EHDS)
New ways of using medical data
Data protection with the involvement of US service providers
The new regulatory world in the area of digitalization
An overview of current EU legislative projects
EU Data Act
The Data Act (COM(2022) 68 final, also known as the "DA" or "Data Act") should not initially be confused with the Data Governance Act.
EU Data Governance Act
The Data Governance Act (COM(2020) 767 final, also "DGA") should not be confused with the Data Act.