Dr. Gerrit Hötzel
Specialist lawyer for copyright and media law
Specialist lawyer for information technology law


Born in 1982, studied law at the University of Tübingen, lawyer and member of VOELKER since 2009, specialist lawyer for information technology law since 2012, specialist lawyer for copyright and media law since 2013, admitted as a partner in 2018. Member of the German Association for Law and Information Technology (DGRI). Member of the German Public Procurement Network (DVNW).
Areas of advice
Legal support in the digitalization and introduction of digital portals, e.g. networked systems consisting of mobile client, backend and IoT device
AI / artificial intelligence: regulatory requirements, protection of AI and AI results, AI development agreements, cooperation agreements, data license agreements
IT law, IT contracts, e-commerce law, Industry 4.0
Data protection law, DSGVO, GDPR, social data protection law, compliance
Software law, SaaS (Software as a Service), license law, open source software
Use of software as a medical device, e.g. mobile medical apps, e-health, DiGA, digitalization in medicine
Protection of ideas / procedure for industrial espionage, industrial espionage, betrayal of secrets
Word and image reporting law
Competition law
Trademark law, name law, labeling law
Copyright law, press law and publishing law
- Hötzel / Völkl Avoiding liability cases by means of IT-CMS BC / 9/2024
- Hötzel / Renz Digital health applications - On the inclusion in the DiGA directory and the illegality of the prohibition of transmission to the USA under European law PinG 04 / 2021
- Hötzel / Brüggemann Practical commentary on social data protection, chapter "Digitization" Kipker/Voskamp, Nomos-Verlag / 2021
Hötzel Does the app on prescription fit the economic efficiency requirement? Orthopädische Nachrichten - Newspaper for orthopaedics and trauma surgery / May 2021
- Hötzel No proof of consent solely by means of a check mark/checkbox set by the person responsible, judgment discussion ECJ, Judgment of. 11.11.2020, Case C-61/19 Data Protection Advisor 2020, 305 / 2020
- Hötzel Corona - Contract law: What applies in the event of default or failure to perform? Crafts International / 23.04.2020
- Hötzel There is an app for that" - Aspects of medical device law and medical professional and remuneration law 2018
- Hötzel / Brucklacher Medical apps: Classification as a medical device, certification, interfaces and updates 2015
- Brucklacher / Hötzel / Schrack Certification of software - risks due to software updates and customizing 2014
Others about us
In addition, the firm appointed an IT lawyer as partner who is already known as "competent and assertive"
JUVE Handbook 2020 -
Report on presentations on the GDPR
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger -
Report on the presentations on the GDPR together with the Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts
Deutsche Handwerks Zeitung
Recent posts
Ende der OS-Plattform der EU: Impressum und AGB anpassen
Data Act - Networked products must make product data accessible
Onlinezugangsgesetz (OZG) – Datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte
NIS-2 - Personal liability of the management for cyber security
Cyber Resilience Act
The end of carefree software development
EU Commission adequacy decision on the USA - transfer of personal data to many US companies finally possible again with legal certainty