Articles from Dr. Christoph Renz
The (electronic) patient file: right of access and filling
Requirement of a manufacturing authorization under pharmaceutical law for autologous fat transplantation
Downgrading of a hospital in the G-BA's tiered system of emergency structures
Quality control by the MD
Digitization of elective service agreements
Former written form requirement
Dressings and other products for wound treatment
Concept of dressings
When can a doctor charge a cancellation fee for unattended appointments or appointments canceled at short notice?
Due diligence of the distributor - OLG Celle specifies obligations of the medical device distributor pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 MDR
Significant change in the intended purpose or design of a medical device
New procurement procedure for medical rehabilitation pursuant to Section 15 SGB VI and competition law
The dual role of German pension insurance
Outsourcing in hospitals? - Decision of the BSG from 27.04.2022
Decision of the BSG of 27.04.2022
Transitional care in hospital - The new § 39e SGB V - a regulation without content?
The new § 39e SGB V - a regulation without content?
Adapted products - new obligations for healthcare professionals
§ 9 MPDG paragraph 1