Current articles on NPOs, church and social institutions
- Reform of the state foundation laws in the wake of the new foundation (civil) law, here: Baden-Württemberg Background and overview
- New BGB regulations on hybrid or purely virtual assemblies and meetings - for associations and foundations "by means of electronic communication" for associations and foundations "by means of electronic communication"
- Is the organizational structure in the existing foundation statutes still up to date?
- Further legal changes and additions to association and foundation law at the turn of the year 2020/21 with regard to measures to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Extension of the statutory regulations in association and foundation law in accordance with the GesRuaCOVBekG until 31.12.2021 - Combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic Combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Current legal regulations in association and foundation law to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Fundamentally new benefit regulations on accommodation costs under the BTHG future distinction between residential groups and apartments
- Investment amounts in accordance with Section 76 (2) SGB XII can be increased retroactively to the time of the start of negotiations by agreement or arbitration board ruling BSG: Retroactive effect to the time of the start of the hearing is permissible
- Fee increases in the care home contract only with the consent of the resident Background
- For the reimbursement of additional personnel costs for necessary 1:1 individual support by the funding body (especially autism-related illnesses) Summary and practical tip
- The ineffectiveness of donations and other benefits to home operators and employees in accordance with the so-called "prohibition of benefits" under home law What do care home operators have to consider when it comes to donations, legacies or other gifts from care home residents and relatives?