Healthcare and life science industry

Our advice on practice/clinic takeovers, MVZ start-ups, cooperations and new care structures

The healthcare market in Germany is characterized by great dynamism and consolidation in the hospital sector, among medical practices and life science companies is in full swing. Digitalization is also progressing and regulatory requirements are constantly increasing.

Strong partners are needed to correctly assess the sustainability of these changes and maintain an overview.

We have been advising hospitals, medical technology and pharmaceutical companies as well as outpatient and inpatient care services for many years on the implementation, planning and structuring of sustainable future concepts.

We are familiar with the structures and regulations in the healthcare sector and advise on corporate law, employment law and medical law. We support our clients in achieving their economic goals while at the same time meeting the high standards of efficiency, quality of management and patient safety. Our clients include hospitals, medical care centers, inpatient care facilities and outpatient care services, medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and medical practices.

Our consulting services:

  • Acquisition and sale of hospitals, medical practices and companies in the healthcare and nursing sector, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies

  • Establishment and structuring of medical care centers (MVZ)

  • Establishment of (supra-local) professional practice associations and networked cooperations

  • Reorganizations and restructurings

  • Participations/joint ventures in companies in the health and care sector

  • Support for companies and hospitals in crisis

  • Financing

  • Specific employment law issues in the sale process (e.g. supplementary pension fund, temporary employment, outsourcing to service companies)


  • Dr. Christina Schröter and Dr. Ulrike Brucklacher, "Das Terminservice- und Versorgungsgesetz und die sich darauf ergebenden Änderungen für Medizinische Versorgungszentren, Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie"

You can also find more information in our Life Science flyer, in our MedTech brochure and in the Care brochure.