Compensation payments for doctors in the corona crisis under the COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act and the protective shield of the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
I. COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act
The COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act, which was published in the Federal Law Gazette on 27.03.2020, is intended, among other things, to mitigate losses suffered by doctors in private practice due to a lack of patients as a result of the coronavirus crisis. To this end, the fifth book of the German Social Code (SGB V) has been partially supplemented or amended, and the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians has also drawn up a protective shield for hardship cases to compensate for direct fee losses due to the coronavirus crisis in quarter 1/2020. The measure was announced in notifications dated 17.03.2020 and 28.03.2020.