Medical and social law
Advising hospitals, e.g. on billing disputes, authorizations, founding medical care centers
Advising doctors, e.g. on transferring and taking over practices, cooperations with hospitals
Advice to nursing services, particularly in the area of outpatient intensive care, e.g. in remuneration negotiations, arbitration proceedings, establishment of inpatient facilities and residential communities
Medical law forum
The REUTLINGER MEDICAL LAW FORUM offers interested doctors a platform for further training and the exchange of experience both on medical law topics and on topics that affect doctors as practice owners, employers and private individuals. In addition to specialist presentations, the focus of the event is on the discussion of the topics covered with the respective speakers and the exchange of experiences of upcoming problems with all participants. The event is organized by the VOELKER Group in cooperation with the Ärztenetz Reutlingen and is registered for certification with the Landesärztekammer (mandatory barcode for certification).
You are welcome to contact us if you would like to be invited to the upcoming medical law forums.
Healthcare industry competence team
Nursing services
- Medical and social law
- Social enterprises, NPOs and church institutions
- Corporate law, contract drafting, M&A
- Labor law, compliance
- Inheritance law
- IT law and data protection
- Economic offenses in the healthcare sector
Research, development,
liability - Tax law
- Construction, tenancy and public procurement law
Medical and social law
Panel doctor law
Hospital law
Medical device law
Social enterprises, NPOs and church institutions
Advising care and integration assistance providers as well as youth welfare services
Advising outpatient (intensive) care services, e.g. remuneration negotiations with health insurance companies
Advising other NPOs on association law, foundation law and non-profit law
Corporate law, contract drafting, M&A
Purchase and sale of companies in the healthcare and medical sector (medical practices, nursing services, clinics)
Establishment of medical care centers
Corporate law advice for doctors and clinics
Transactions and due diligence, restructuring
Dr. Thorsten Höhne Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
Specialist lawyer for tax law -
Dr. Ulrike Brucklacher Specialist lawyer for medical law
Partner -
Dr. Katharina Talmann Specialist lawyer for medical law
Veronika Klein Specialist lawyer for employment law
Certified expert for company pension schemes BRBZ e.V.
Labor law, compliance
Employment law representation of clinics, hospitals and care facilities as well as service providers of integration assistance
Advice for chief physicians and clinic managers
Employment law in medical practices
Inheritance law
Drafting wills in favor of hospitals and charitable institutions
Representation of hospitals and charitable institutions in inheritance disputes in and out of court throughout Germany
Enforcement of legacy claims
Drafting general powers of attorney and living wills
IT law and data protection
Data protection for medical facilities and providers of care, integration assistance and youth welfare services
IT law and software law
Legal design of the internet presence
Advice on cyber attacks
Advice on telemedical projects
Economic offenses in the healthcare sector
Criminal law advice and representation of doctors, clinic managers and medical technology companies in cases of property offenses
Advice in non-criminal follow-up proceedings (professional ban, revocation of license to practice medicine)
Research, development, competition, liability
Technology law, license agreement law, research and development contracts
Advertising for remedies and medical devices
Pharmaceutical liability and product liability
Dr. Christian Lindemann, LL.M. Specialist lawyer for international commercial law
Specialist lawyer for intellectual property law
Partner -
Dr. Christina Blanken Specialist lawyer for international business law
Specialist lawyer for copyright and media law
Specialist lawyer for information technology law
Tax law
Tax advice for doctors, medical technology companies and non-profit organizations
Business management consulting and planning
Reorganization concepts
Company and practice valuation
Construction, tenancy and public procurement law
Procurement in public healthcare facilities and for healthcare providers
Construction projects at clinics
Lease agreements in connection with medical practices, clinics and care and integration assistance services
- Hötzel / Renz Digital health applications - On the inclusion in the DiGA directory and the illegality of the prohibition of transmission to the USA under European law PinG 04 / 2021
Hötzel Does the app on prescription fit the economic efficiency requirement? Orthopädische Nachrichten - Newspaper for orthopaedics and trauma surgery / May 2021
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