Designing digital platforms in compliance with the law

Digital platforms are considered a key technology. In times of the coronavirus crisis, a company's digital orientation is more important than ever. Digital platforms play a key role in this. For example, they can be used to network existing products, enable direct customer contact and implement services via subscription models. New business models can also emerge, e.g. with regard to the handling of data and a switch from individual sales to subscription models. Regardless of how digital platforms are used, legal framework conditions must be observed.

At the same time, this digitalization poses additional technical challenges. On the one hand, the IT system must be adapted in order to be able to provide the new services, be it through in-house resources or by integrating third parties. Secondly, the digital platform creates new technical risks. It is therefore important to avoid serious data breaches and to install a system that is easy enough to manage in day-to-day business.

In addition, the legal framework is currently undergoing considerable change due to various legislative amendments. These changes will soon come into force and should therefore be taken into account now when designing and developing the platform.