Current developments in real estate transaction law:
- Building - faster, easier, cheaper: Plans for a (further) reform of the Baden-Württemberg state building regulations
- An end to sidewalk parking!
- A problem shared is a problem halved - the principle of halving broker commissions
- New legal regulation for tenancies in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- The new Building Energy Act (GEG) - A uniform set of rules for climate-neutral buildings
- HOAI minimum rates: BGH requests preliminary ruling from the ECJ
- Compensation claims for business closures in the course of the Covid-19 measures
- Obligation to pay rent despite an officially ordered business closure?
- The end of the written form problem in (commercial) tenancy law? - On the planned reform of § 550 BGB
- Amendment to the Baden-Württemberg state building regulations 2019
- Minimum and maximum HOAI rates violate European law!
- Effect of a change in the recognized rules of technology during construction management
- On the amendment of the BauGB and the BauNVO by the "Act on the implementation of Directive 2014/52/EU in urban planning law and to strengthen the new coexistence in the city" of 04.05.2017
- Operating costs in commercial leases
- Overview of the 2015 amendment to the Baden-Württemberg state building regulations
- Use of dash cams
- The Consumer Rights Directive and its impact