Obligation to pay rent despite an officially ordered business closure?
With the legal ordinance of the state government on infection protection measures against the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus (Corona Ordinance - CoronaVO) of 17.03.2020, numerous retail stores and facilities will no longer be able to continue operating. Compared to the first ordinance of 16.03.2020, the bans have even been significantly extended. In addition to numerous facilities such as cinemas, educational institutions of all kinds, fitness studios, dance schools, ice cream parlors and pubs, the operation of all retail businesses is now also prohibited, unless they are expressly excluded from the ban (Section 4 (1) no. 12 CoronaVO). The operation of restaurants is also still only permitted with considerable restrictions, and since the affected establishments will inevitably have to reckon with considerable losses in turnover due to these drastic measures, the question now arises as to whether the operator of the respective establishment can reduce the rent for the operation or claim a deferral of the rent.
Real estate law, public & private construction law, public procurement law