Product liability, warranty
Warranty law, product and safety defects
Product Liability Act
Product Safety Act
The area of product liability and warranty is often feared by companies. The defect of a small component of a complex product that has been delivered internationally to many countries can quickly lead to immense damage. In such a scenario, a multitude of legal requirements must be observed right from the start, when the problem first arises. In addition to the correct preparation of a defect report, e.g. to upstream suppliers, insurance companies must be informed, a recall may have to be organized at short notice, certain authorities must be informed (Product Safety Act) and a strategy must be drawn up within the company on how to deal with the case. Those who make mistakes here at the beginning often end up having to bear a large part of the damage alone, even if they are not responsible for it.
In such cases, VOELKER provides comprehensive advice on both out-of-court and, if necessary, in-court measures to be taken, such as immediate independent evidence proceedings in which the defects are assessed and determined by an expert. We help you to regulate the situation from the outset in such a way that your company does not suffer any legal losses.