Individual development of living wills
It is thanks to advances in science and technology that patients with increasingly serious illnesses can be treated and kept alive. Even though the options available today represent hope and opportunity for many people, there is a growing fear of prolonging suffering and death through the use of medical devices. It is a direct consequence of the human dignity enshrined in Article 1 of the German Basic Law that everyone has the right to decide freely and according to their own wishes whether and which medical measures should be taken on their behalf. This becomes problematic when the illness has already progressed to such an extent that the person concerned is no longer able to express their will on this very issue. In such a situation, anyone who does not want someone else to decide whether and how medical treatment should be given, or who wants to relieve their relatives of the burden of making this decision, can specify in a living will whether they want certain medical measures to be taken or not in the event of a specifically described medical condition. As different as the life experiences, values and beliefs of each individual are, as varied are the individual decisions that result from this and that can be incorporated into a living will. Before making arrangements in this existential area, you should therefore always seek detailed advice and be informed about the options and risks.