National and international inheritance law

In a society in which people are getting older and have often accumulated considerable wealth, the tailor-made transfer of economic assets by means of tax-optimized and dispute-avoiding wills and anticipated succession, e.g. as part of a successful business succession, is playing an increasingly important role. While in the private sphere, for example, foreign assets or special family situations such as patchwork families require precise and above all individually balanced arrangements, in the business sphere it is important to transfer the company safely from one generation to the next.

At the same time, there is an increased need for "legal retirement provision". Care contracts, especially between elderly parents and their children, health care and general powers of attorney as well as living wills are the buzzwords that are becoming increasingly important in our society.

VOELKER stands for both specialized and professionally qualified and competent advice in the entire field of national and international inheritance and inheritance tax law. The classic fields of activity include the area of anticipated succession, the drafting of wills that avoid disputes and tax, as well as - after the death - the interpretation or contestation of inadequately formulated wills, the settlement of estates, in particular as executors, and the enforcement of or, conversely, the defense against claims to compulsory portions or legacies. VOELKER's inheritance law specialists also deal with the area of "legal retirement planning".

VOELKER's consistent specialization allows us to advise our clients with a high level of expert knowledge and - with the involvement of other experts required in individual cases, e.g. in the field of family, corporate or tax law - equally holistically in order to develop tailor-made and sustainable solutions.

Your specialists
