Design, photos and image rights

Have you discovered that texts or images you have created have simply been taken over by a competitor and placed on their own website? One of your employees has copied a "royalty-free" image from the Internet and integrated it on your homepage and now a picture agency has come forward and demanded several thousand euros for the copyright-infringing use of this image? You have invested a lot of time and money in developing a high-quality design for your product and now a competitor is using a design that is confusingly similar to your product?

Often, even large companies do not seem to have any license management and use third-party services without any compensation. On the other hand, many creative services are supposedly offered on the Internet as services that can be used free of charge and then it turns out that this was not the case and licenses are required. So that you know what rights you are entitled to and how you can enforce them, we represent you in the areas of

  • Formulating rights to creative services that are provided for you (so-called usage rights catalogs)

  • Drafting subcontractor agreements

  • Scope of the rights of use granted to the creative services

  • Protectability of your own services (copyright, design patents, supplementary protection under competition law)

  • Enforcement of injunctive relief in the event of unlawful use of services by third parties

  • Proof of the amount of damages (concrete damages, license analogy, profit skimming) and enforcement of claims for damages

  • Defense against warning letters