25th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum The new Trade Secrets Protection Act - what employers now need to consider

1 "The new Trade Secrets Protection Act"

- Overview of the law

- Claims of companies/employers

- Acute need for action

- Necessary measures and implementation steps in practice

Speakers: Lawyer Dr. Christina Blanken

Specialist lawyer for international commercial law

Specialist lawyer for copyright and media law

Specialist lawyer for information technology law

Attorney Dr. Christian Lindemann, LL.M.

Specialist lawyer for international business law

Specialist lawyer for intellectual property law

Small snack

2. after the ECJ ruling: Everything new in working time recording?

Speaker: Lawyer Stephan Binsch

3. current hour

- Important current judgments of the labor courts

- Legislative projects and their significance for practice

Speakers: Lawyer Veronika Klein

Specialist lawyer for employment law

Lawyer Nadine Kirsch