Evaluation & Rating


The reliable determination of the appropriate value of a company, parts of a company or shares in a company is an essential basis for decision-making in many corporate transactions and numerous financing occasions: whether in the event of changes in the ownership structure of a company or in the context of inheritance and succession arrangements (to name just two examples) - an appropriate and reliable company valuation plays a key role.

Whether as auditors, consultants or neutral experts - we support you in all valuation-related issues and develop customized solutions for you - depending on the reason for the valuation.


A (credit) rating is the creditworthiness classification of a company or debtor by evaluating quantitative and qualitative company data and factors. The rating, and therefore the assessment of a company's creditworthiness, forms the basis for the structuring of credit conditions. While the analysis of quantitative factors involves an assessment of the asset, financial and earnings situation, qualitative corporate factors relate exclusively to so-called "soft skills" (corporate strategy, management/employee potential, organizational structure, etc.).

We support you in preparing your company for upcoming discussions with banks (rating advice) by carrying out a strengths and weaknesses analysis for the key quantitative and qualitative factors of your company, identifying potential for change and determining alternative courses of action to minimize risk. We help you to position your company correctly and to communicate the relevant company information to your bank correctly. The aim is the (continuous) improvement of your company rating and thus better financing conditions.