Severe disability
A person is severely disabled if their degree of disability is at least 50. People with a degree of disability of less than 50 can be treated in the same way as severely disabled people. In Baden-Württemberg, severe disability is determined by the district office. In Baden-Württemberg, the Federal Employment Agency is responsible for determining equal status. Severely disabled persons or persons with equivalent status are specially protected by the regulations in SGB IX. Termination of the employment relationship of a severely disabled person or person with equivalent status requires the prior consent of the municipal association for youth and social affairs (formerly: integration office). According to § 208 SGB IX, severely disabled people are entitled to an additional five working days' leave in the leave year. The law stipulates that employers with at least 20 jobs must employ 5% severely disabled persons/people with equivalent status. If these figures are not met, the employer must pay a compensatory levy for each unfilled mandatory position.