Notice periods
During an agreed probationary period, the notice period pursuant to Section 622 (3) BGB is 2 weeks.
The statutory (basic) notice period is 4 weeks to the 15th or end of a calendar month in accordance with Section 622 (1) BGB. From a period of employment of 2 years, the notice periods are extended to up to 7 months in accordance with Section 622 (2) BGB, although this statutory extension only applies to employers. However, it can be permissibly agreed in the employment contract that the extended statutory notice periods also apply to the employee. Longer notice periods than those that apply to the employer cannot be imposed on the employee in accordance with Section 622 (6) BGB.
The agreement of longer notice periods than those provided for by law is possible without further ado. Collective agreements also frequently provide for different notice periods, which - unlike individually agreed notice periods - can also be shorter than the statutory minimum notice periods.
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