30th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Current employer obligations: recording working hours, proof of essential contractual conditions, minimum wage and mini-jobs

VOELKER online seminar.

1. recording working time:

- Content of the decision of the Federal Labor Court of September 13, 2022:

- Consequences and implementation tips

- Effects on trust-based working hours, overtime pay

Speaker: Lawyer Kathrin Völker

2. verification law:

- The amended and new proof requirements as of 01.08.2022

- Effects on the drafting of employment contracts

- What applies to old contracts?

- Legal consequences of violations and sanctions

Speaker: Lawyer Ricarda Bongers

3. news on minimum wage and mini-jobs:

- Overview of the new regulations

- Adjustment of the supplementary income limit

- What applies to old contracts?

- Practical questions about the changes:

When does a reassessment have to be made?

Speaker: Lawyer Veronika Klein

4. current hour:

- Important judgments

- News on the implementation of the Whistleblower Directive

Speaker: Lawyer Nadine Kirsch