Appropriate remuneration also required for publicly funded apprenticeships
BAG 17.03.2015 - 9 AZR 732/13
Even if the training position was supported with public funds, the trainee's remuneration must be appropriate in accordance with Section 17 (1) BBiG. The appropriateness depends on the individual functions of the remuneration. One function is to help finance the livelihood of the trainee or their parents. The remuneration is also intended to ensure that a sufficient number of qualified skilled workers are trained. Last but not least, remuneration is also a form of payment to a certain extent. However, in the case of publicly funded training places that would not exist without state support and where the training provider does not benefit from the trainee's work performance, the remuneration aspect does not apply. Nevertheless, the functions of financing livelihoods and promoting young talent must continue to be taken into account when assessing appropriateness.