Current articles on Labor law
- Fixed-term soccer contracts LAG Rhineland-Palatinate 17.02.2016 - 4 Sa 202/15
- Employer may check browser history for private internet use at the workplace, LAG Berlin-Brandenburg, 14.01.2016 - Sa 657/15
- The amendment and recast of the Baden-Württemberg State Staff Representation Act
- Crediting of a previous internship to the probationary period of a vocational training contract, BAG 19.11.2015 - 6 AZR 844/14
- Calculation of vacation entitlement in the event of an increase in working hours, ECJ 11.11.2015 - C-219/14
- Vacation entitlement in the event of a briefly interrupted employment relationship, BAG 20.10.2015 - 9 AZR 224/14
- A dispute between the employer and husband of an employee does not justify dismissal of the wife, ArbG Aachen 30.09.2015 - 2 Ca 1170/15
- Discrimination against part-time employees due to too frequent weekend work, LAG Berlin-Brandenburg 20.08.2015 - 26 Sa 2340/14
- Case-by-case decision: Circus performers are freelancers BAG 11.08.2015 - 9 AZR 98/14
- Late marriage clauses are age discriminatory BAG 04.08.2015 - 3 AZR 136/13
- Dismissals in small companies can be age-discriminatory BAG 23.07.2015 - 6 AZR 457/14
- The unauthorized burning and copying of media files during working hours using company computers justifies termination without notice BAG 06.07.2015 - 2 AZR 85/15