Current articles on the topic of labor law
Reform of the Evidence Act as of 01.08.2022 with far-reaching changes for employers
Written form requirement remains in place
The new Evidence Act: far-reaching changes for employers
An overview
EU Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions: further legislative changes
Temporary Employment Act: further obligations to provide evidence
Vacation in a risk area from an employment law perspective - important information
Important information
Forfeiture of vacation during illness - employer's duty to cooperate?
Government draft of the Association Sanctions Act
What is the aim of the Association Sanctions Act (VerSanG)?
No automatic forfeiture of leave in the absence of cooperation by the employer - UPDATE
No involvement of the representative body for severely disabled employees required before decision on the equal treatment application, BAG, 22.01.2020 - 7 ABR 18/18
Changing causes of illness: A new illness does not automatically lead to further continued payment of remuneration, BAG, 11.12.2019 - 5 AZR 505/18
Release from work to reduce working time credits in court settlement must be clearly recognizable, BAG, judgment of 20.11.2019 - 5 AZR 578/18, press release no. 40/19
No vacation entitlement during the partial retirement phase
BAG on unfounded fixed-term employment in the case of so-called previous employment: - After 22 years, unfounded fixed-term employment is okay
After 22 years, fixed-term contracts without a material reason are fine