Next update of the Whistleblower Protection Act
After the Bundesrat refused to approve the law in February, a new version was submitted to the Bundestag, which contains a part requiring approval and a part not requiring approval. This was discussed in the Bundestag at first reading on 17.03.2023 and referred to the Legal Affairs Committee. This committee will now deal with this next Monday, 27.03.2023. The plan is probably to pass the law on 30.03.2023. If this plan is implemented, companies will have to react quickly. The most important change to the previous version is a shortening of the deadline for entry into force after promulgation. This has been reduced from 3 months to 1 month. If we now allow one week for the publication of the law, it can be expected that the law will come into force at the beginning of May 2023 . We will keep you up to date on further progress.