Past events
31st Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Employer's right to information in accordance with Section 15 GDPR; treatment of travel times Labor law
9th Albstadt Inheritance Law Forum Topic "Legal pension provision" Inheritance law
Pitfalls in partnership agreements between doctors VOELKER online seminar Medical and social law Corporate law, M&A
Inheritance law forum Degerloch: Spousal wills Inheritance law
Purchase and sale of medical practices and shares in joint practices VOELKER online seminar
Current labor law in the medical practice Labor law Medical and social law
Market trend towards larger units - growth through acquisitions Legal issues relating to the purchase and sale of outpatient care services and inpatient units Labor law Medical and social law Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law
9th Balingen Inheritance Law Forum Legal pension provision Inheritance law
Inheritance law: BehTest according to the BTHG Supporting event: cp - Working Group on Inheritance Law in the German Bar Association Inheritance law
Phishing - taking stock from the perspective of a banking lawyer Banking law
30th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Current employer obligations: recording working hours, proof of essential contractual conditions, minimum wage and mini-jobs Labor law
Medical Device Law News Update: Prohibited remote treatments via medical devices? Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law IP/IT Stuttgart Labor law