Past events
Medical Startups: Schutz- und Verwertungsmöglichkeiten sowie IT-rechtliche Anforderungen an Medizinprodukte und Rechtsfragen der Digitalisierung Tagesseminar IP/IT Stuttgart
The reimbursement of medical devices by health insurance companies VOELKER online seminar Medical and social law
Inheritance law: Spousal wills Inheritance law
Inheritance law: Legal retirement provision NPOs, church and social institutions
Inheritance law: Legal retirement provision Inheritance law
15th Hechingen Inheritance Law Forum Give away or bequeath?
33rd Reutlingen Labor Law Forum VOLKER online seminar Labor law
10th Albstadt Inheritance Law Forum Passing on real estate (correctly) Inheritance law
Inheritance law: giving away or bequeathing Inheritance law
Cooperate, but do it right! VOELKER online seminar in medical law
Inheritance law: Passing on real estate (correctly) Inheritance law
Inheritance law: Passing on real estate (correctly) Inheritance law