Past events
18th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Risk assessment and financial assistance for employers Labor law
The warning letter in the public sector Supporting event: Further training for heads of authorities Labor law
2nd Albstadt Inheritance Law Forum Legal risk provisioning Inheritance law
Drafting supply contracts and quality assurance agreements correctly Mini-Symposium Medical Devices (VOELKER & Partner mbB, Schrack & Partner, novineon) Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law Medical and social law
2nd Balingen Inheritance Law Forum Advantages and disadvantages of traditional spouse's wills Inheritance law
3rd Mössingen Inheritance Law Forum Advantages and disadvantages of traditional spouse's wills Inheritance law
Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing and Co. Employee recruitment and data protection in social media Supporting event: Contemporary personnel recruiting and organizational development Labor law
9th Hechingen Inheritance Law Forum Legal risk provisioning Inheritance law
Procurement procedures and insolvency law An overview of the interfaces Reutlingen Insolvency Forum
The right way to deal with the Minimum Wage Act in the restaurant and hotel industry Labor law
Legal aspects of company succession IHK Nordschwarzwald/Handwerksammer Inheritance law
2nd Mössingen Inheritance Law Forum Legal pension provision Inheritance law