Past events
The new Federal Participation Act Information event of the St. Elisabeth Foundation NPOs, church and social institutions
Reutlingen Industry 4.0 Forum Market launch, distribution and protection of networked products Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce IP/IT Stuttgart
The BTHG: Living in BW Rights and duties of legal guardians 12th state conference of the state working group of relatives' representatives for people with intellectual disabilities in Baden-Württemberg NPOs, church and social institutions
40th Reutlingen Insolvency Forum Reutlingen Insolvency Forum
The new Federal Participation Act - information event for relatives and legal guardians of people with disabilities Event organized by the League's Specialist Committee for Disability Assistance Stuttgart NPOs, church and social institutions
Mini-Symposium Medical Devices 2017 The European Medical Device Regulation - How is implementation going? Medical and social law Life Science Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law
The new financing system in the housing sector under the BTHG - challenges in the system changeover Symposium of the Brüsseler Kreis eV NPOs, church and social institutions
Employees in stables - what about minimum wage and working hours? Rider Journal Forum Stable 4.0 Labor law
QuMiK symposium Legal aspects of using mobile devices Medical and social law Labor law IP/IT Stuttgart
The new financing system for housing under the BTHG - challenges for housing providers in NRW when changing the system Support day for integration assistance NPOs, church and social institutions
Legal framework conditions in sales Supporting event: IHK certificate course for sales managers Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce Labor law
4th Albstadt Inheritance Law Forum Inheritance law