Past events
The Federal Participation Act in practical implementation by service providers I NGD Group; Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein NPOs, church and social institutions
The Federal Participation Act in practical implementation by service providers II NGD Group; Seegeberg, Schleswig-Holstein NPOs, church and social institutions
The Federal Participation Act in practical implementation by service providers III Landesverein für Innere Mission Schleswig-Holstein; Rickling, Schleswig-Holstein NPOs, church and social institutions
5th Mössingen Inheritance Law Forum Inheritance law
Effects of the BTHG on the tasks of professional caregivers Information event at the Rems-Murr caregiver get-together NPOs, church and social institutions
Avoid liability risks due to the GDPR from 25.05.2018 The practical implementation of the new data protection law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce
Industry 4.0 and the law: the smartphone in the company in compliance with the law IP/IT Stuttgart Labor law
The smartphone in the company in compliance with the law Supporting event: Forum Law and Industry 4.0 at Gerber IP/IT Stuttgart Labor law
Participation counseling Supporting event: Workshop at Sozialwerk St. Georg NPOs, church and social institutions
Act on Supportive Housing, Participation and Care (WTPG) Management seminar at the Johannes-Diakonie Mosbach training academy NPOs, church and social institutions
Home law for inpatient facilities in Baden-Württemberg - basics and practice for managers Workshop for the Caritas Association Stuttgart; Stuttgart NPOs, church and social institutions
The new financing system in the housing sector under the BTHG - challenges in the system changeover Workshop for the Caritas Association Aachen NPOs, church and social institutions