Past events
Support for the individual participation of beneficiaries with intellectual disabilities by their parents, relatives and legal guardians within the framework of the BTHG State Working Group of the Representation of Relatives of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Baden-Württemberg; Ludwigsburg NPOs, church and social institutions
Current status of the implementation of the Federal Participation Act in WfbM Event organized by the State Working Group of Workshops for Disabled People in Schleswig-Holstein; Lübeck NPOs, church and social institutions
Legal basis for sustainable asset management in religious communities Economic Conference of the Religious Orders, organized by the Austrian Superior Conference and the Association of Women's Religious Orders NPOs, church and social institutions
Industry 4.0 Forum Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce IP/IT Stuttgart
The Federal Participation Act in practical implementation by service providers in BW Symposium of the Baden-Württemberg Hospital Association NPOs, church and social institutions
"The Care Strengthening Acts - basics and handling in everyday practice for managers" Workshop for the Caritas Association Stuttgart NPOs, church and social institutions
Care Strengthening Acts I, II, III Workshop at Caritas für Stuttgart e. V. NPOs, church and social institutions
Inheritance law: Give away or bequeath? Information event organized by Kreissparkasse Reutlingen Inheritance law
22nd Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Smartphone in the employment relationship - how is it legally compliant? IP/IT Stuttgart Labor law
5th Albstadt Inheritance Law Forum Inheritance law
Implementation of the BTHG - management requirements Evangelische Bank, Hamburg NPOs, church and social institutions
41st Reutlingen Insolvency Forum Reutlingen Insolvency Forum