Past events
12th Hechingen Inheritance Law Forum Inheritance law
Effects of the BTHG on the legal care of people with disabilities NPOs, church and social institutions
BTHG for relatives of people with intellectual disabilities (outpatient services only) Supporting event: Lecture at Lebenshilfe Tübingen e. V. NPOs, church and social institutions
BTHG - Workshop Franz Sales Haus Supporting event: Workshop of the supporting association of the Franz Sales Haus zu Essen NPOs, church and social institutions
Suttgarter Non-Profit Forum NPOs, church and social institutions Digital & analog, IT law, copyright, e-commerce
The effects of the BTHG for relatives of people with disabilities Supporting event: Specialist day for relatives at Diakonie Kork NPOs, church and social institutions
Interpretation of pathological wills Inheritance law
42nd Reutlingen Insolvency Forum Reutlingen Insolvency Forum
Reutlingen Family Law Forum Parental maintenance Family law
"An overview for relatives and caregivers of people with disabilities" Information event of the St. Franziskus Foundation NPOs, church and social institutions
1st inheritance law forum in Hirschgasse Inheritance law
BTHG - What's in store for us? BTHG information event for the 4 EUTB advice centers in the Böblingen district NPOs, church and social institutions