Past events
24th Reutlingen Labor Law Forum Update: Vacation law for practitioners Labor law
News about MDR: The countdown is on! 1st Mini-Sympsium medical devices 2019 Medical and social law Commercial law, distribution law, antitrust law
Disability will Afraid of the execution of a will? Inheritance law
Spousal wills - advantages and disadvantages of the classic spousal will Inheritance law
Care and its value Inheritance law
Company succession event Inheritance law
Lecture as part of the IHK follow-up event Inheritance law
Erms Valley Inheritance Law Forum Inheritance law
Market development towards larger units - growth through acquisition of care services Supporting event: 3rd legal day for out-of-hospital intensive care Medical and social law Labor law
Cooperation in times of staff shortages - recognizing and limiting risks 3rd Legal Day for Outpatient Intensive Care Medical and social law Labor law
Spousal wills - advantages and disadvantages of the classic spousal will Inheritance law
7th Mössingen Inheritance Law Forum Inheritance law