Alle Beiträge
New obligation for a cancel button in online portals
Transitional care in hospital - The new § 39e SGB V - a regulation without content?
The new § 39e SGB V - a regulation without content?
Outlook for the future: Emergency representation law for spouses
Adapted products - new obligations for healthcare professionals
§ 9 MPDG paragraph 1
EU AI Regulation
Open source projects: Automated compilation of license information
Structural checks
Opportunities and risks when deploying foreign nursing staff
Recognition of the foreign qualification
What changes does the IPReG bring, especially for outpatient intensive care services?
1. what are the most important key points of the IPReG for service providers?
DiGA and the app on prescription
Report on the event from 10.02.2021
General terms and conditions for apps
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
Legal framework for the use of training data