Alle Beiträge
Emergency service: social insurance obligation for pool doctors
Requirement of a manufacturing authorization under pharmaceutical law for autologous fat transplantation
Ruling of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Labor Court: No continued payment of remuneration in the event of several sick notes following termination of employment.
Digitization of elective service agreements
Former written form requirement
Downgrading of a hospital in the G-BA's tiered system of emergency structures
Quality control by the MD
BAG ruling: No prohibition of utilization in dismissal protection proceedings with regard to recordings from open video surveillance
Dressings and other products for wound treatment
Concept of dressings
When can a doctor charge a cancellation fee for unattended appointments or appointments canceled at short notice?
EU Commission adequacy decision on the USA - transfer of personal data to many US companies finally possible again with legal certainty
Reform of the state foundation laws in the wake of the new foundation (civil) law, here: Baden-Württemberg
Background and overview
Due diligence of the distributor - OLG Celle specifies obligations of the medical device distributor pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 MDR
Significant change in the intended purpose or design of a medical device