Alle Beiträge
Reduction of vacation entitlements due to parental leave after termination of employment not permitted
BAG 19.05.2015 - 9 AZR 725/13
Minimum wage and collectively agreed continued remuneration, BAG 13.05.2015 - 10 AZR 191/14
BAG relaxes the requirements for a company exercise
BAG 13.05.2015 - 10 AZR 266/14
Sit-down strike for salary increase does not justify termination without notice.
LAG Schleswig-Holstein 06.05.2015 - 3 Sa 354/14
OLG Hamm: Cancellation policy must contain telephone number
OLG Hamburg: Ban on the resale of e-books permissible
German government plans fixed book prices for e-books too
LG Hamburg: Adblock Plus permissible under competition law
The ineffectiveness of donations and other benefits to home operators and employees in accordance with the so-called "prohibition of benefits" under home law
What do care home operators have to consider when it comes to donations, legacies or other gifts from care home residents and relatives?
Termination after minimum wage claim is invalid
ArbG Berlin 17.04.2015 - 28 Ca 2405/15
UWG to be reformed
BGH: No obligation to check user comments in advance