HOAI minimum rates: BGH requests preliminary ruling from the ECJ
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) today suspended proceedings (VII ZR 174/19) concerning an engineer's fee claims and referred several questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the consequences of the illegality of the minimum rates in the HOAI for ongoing court proceedings between private individuals, as assumed by the CJEU in its judgment of July 4, 2019 (C-377/17, IBR 2019, 436).the press release of the BGH is available here.
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) today suspended proceedings (VII ZR 174/19) concerning fee claims by an engineer and referred several questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the consequences of the illegality under EU law of the minimum rates in the HOAI for ongoing court proceedings between private individuals, as assumed by the CJEU in its judgment of 4 July 2019 (C-377/17, IBR 2019, 436).
The press release of the BGH is available here.
Date: 14. May 2020